
The so called European Union is planning a war economy and no one single artist or philiosopher or so called politician is raising his voice to say NO!
Brainwashed by histpory education? Anyway, we have the power and the knowledge to say no today!

If you invest in war, you will get war
if you invest in peace you will get humanity at last.


Also always wondered why history teaching at school is always about one War after another? As if humans never did anything else? Well they did because WARS are only the expression of a small minority. An elite who has the power to force humans into trenches.
Well, it's about time that this elite understands that their time is over. There are no countries to fight for, only peace. So here we have the opportunity to write a peaceful history, the history of a positive mankind.
And it starts with debunking the official History we got at school. Just Say No.


to be continued



"And our history will be studied in some remote future and I wonder why! To repeat itself? While writing these very words I  suddenly understand why I  never liked history in school. Why it stressed me so much, especially when I had to memorize different dates of battles. I cried constantly and asked myself why I was stuffing my head with that garbage.

And now in adulthood I come to such a rethinking. As long as there is a struggle in each of us, we will not be able to live freely and in love. And we will go on destroying beautiful places like this monastery.

We did not come to this Earth to fight, We divided this wonderful planet into states, set borders and still need to have permission for a place under the sun. Well, is this an illusion or is this a reality?"

(excerpt from Switlana story of 01.03.2025)